
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Charge Move

A Charge Move is a Type of Pokemon attack that deals more damage than a Fast Move. Charge Moves require stamina and therefore cannot be rapidly used during battles.

Every individual Pokemon comes equipped with one Charge Move. Different Pokemon of the same species may have a different Charge Move. However, Pokemon will generally have Moves related to their Type.

For example, Water Types will be more likely to have Charge Moves such as Aqua Jet or Water Gun, while Poison Types will more likely have Moves such as Acid or Smog.

Here is a full list of Charge Moves in Pokemon Go. The greatest number of Charge Moves by Type are Normal, Water and Grass. The least number of Charge Moves by Type are Fairy, Dragon and Dark.

Charge Move Rankings (DPS)
Aerial Ace
Aerial Ace w/ STAB
Air Cutter
Air Cutter w/ STAB
Ancient Power
Ancient Power w/ STAB
Aqua Jet
Aqua Jet w/ STAB
Aqua Tail
Aqua Tail w/ STAB
Blizzard w/ STAB
Body Slam
Body Slam w/ STAB
Bone Club
Bone Club w/ STAB
Brick Break
Brick Break w/ STAB
Brine w/ STAB
Bubble Beam
Bubble Beam w/ STAB
Bug Buzz
Bug Buzz w/ STAB
Bulldoze w/ STAB
Cross Chop
Cross Chop w/ STAB
Cross Poison
Cross Poison w/ STAB
Dark Pulse
Dark Pulse w/ STAB
Dazzling Gleam
Dazzling Gleam w/ STAB
Dig w/ STAB
Disarming Voice
Disarming Voice w/ STAB
Discharge w/ STAB
Dragon Claw
Dragon Claw w/ STAB
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Pulse w/ STAB
Draining Kiss
Draining Kiss w/ STAB
Drill Peck
Drill Peck w/ STAB
Drill Run
Drill Run w/ STAB
Earthquake w/ STAB
Fire Blast
Fire Blast w/ STAB
Fire Punch
Fire Punch w/ STAB
Flame Burst
Flame Burst w/ STAB
Flame Charge
Flame Charge w/ STAB
Flame Wheel
Flame Wheel w/ STAB
Flamethrower w/ STAB
Flash Cannon
Flash Cannon w/ STAB
Gunk Shot
Gunk Shot w/ STAB
Heat Wave
Heat Wave w/ STAB
Horn Attack
Horn Attack w/ STAB
Hurricane w/ STAB
Hydro Pump
Hydro Pump w/ STAB
Hyper Beam
Hyper Beam w/ STAB
Hyper Fang
Hyper Fang w/ STAB
Ice Beam
Ice Beam w/ STAB
Ice Punch
Ice Punch w/ STAB
Icy Wind
Icy Wind w/ STAB
Iron Head
Iron Head w/ STAB
Leaf Blade
Leaf Blade w/ STAB
Low Sweep
Low Sweep w/ STAB
Magnet Bomb
Magnet Bomb w/ STAB
Megahorn w/ STAB
Moonblast w/ STAB
Mud Bomb
Mud Bomb w/ STAB
Night Slash
Night Slash w/ STAB
Ominous Wind
Ominous Wind w/ STAB
Petal Blizzard
Petal Blizzard w/ STAB
Play Rough
Play Rough w/ STAB
Poison Fang
Poison Fang w/ STAB
Power Gem
Power Gem w/ STAB
Power Whip
Power Whip w/ STAB
Psybeam w/ STAB
Psychic w/ STAB
Psyshock w/ STAB
Rock Slide
Rock Slide w/ STAB
Rock Tomb
Rock Tomb w/ STAB
Scald w/ STAB
Seed Bomb
Seed Bomb w/ STAB
Shadow Ball
Shadow Ball w/ STAB
Signal Beam
Signal Beam w/ STAB
Sludge Bomb
Sludge Bomb w/ STAB
Sludge w/ STAB
Sludge Wave
Sludge Wave w/ STAB
Solar Beam
Solar Beam w/ STAB
Stomp w/ STAB
Stone Edge
Stone Edge w/ STAB
Struggle w/ STAB
Submission w/ STAB
Swift w/ STAB
Thunder Punch
Thunder Punch w/ STAB
Thunder w/ STAB
Thunderbolt w/ STAB
Twister w/ STAB
Vice Grip
Vice Grip w/ STAB
Water Pulse
Water Pulse w/ STAB
Wrap w/ STAB
X-Scissor w/ STAB

1 comment :

  1. How long is the start-up lag on charge moves?
    Is it the same for each one?




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