
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Choosing Your Eevee! (Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon)

Most Trainers know that Eevee can evolve into either Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon. Many say that
Pokémon you get from evolving an Eevee is random. Others say that the final evolution of each Eevee is determined by its moveset.

However, it has recently been discovered that you can choose which Pokémon your Eevee will evolve into just by changing its name before evolving it. 

Want a Vaporeon? Change the nickname of your Eevee to Rainer.

Want a Flareon? Change the nickname of your Eevee to Pyro.

Want a Jolteon? Change the nickname of your Eevee to Sparky.

Many have confirmed that this trick does work. I will try it as soon as I get 25 Eevee Candies. Feel free to try this trick and leave a comment below with the results!


  1. It works! I had two jolteons, and a vaporeon and tried to get the flareon by naming my 352 eevee to pyro and sure as anything, it evolved into an 876 flareon. Coincidence? Maybe? But it worked for me.

  2. Worked for me!! Did pyro

  3. This trick works, tried it just now

  4. Confirming it worked for me using Rainer to evolve a Vaporeon. Previous Eevee was a Flareon.

  5. Me and several friends have done this now and it has worked 100% of the time. We made sure to name the eevee before hand to account for server lag and have gotten the desired evolution in total about 13 times.

  6. So which is the better evolution to choose?

  7. Awesome. Thanks everyone for the confirmation!

  8. Works. 405 Eevee named Pyro evolved to a 1007 Flareon.

  9. Can't believe it really worked!

  10. Worked for me with Sparky and Rainer. Make sure to maybe capitalize as youre naming :D

  11. It worked for my first Eevee, I evolved my second Eevee today naming it Rainer.. turned out a Jolteon.

  12. It worked for my first Eevee. When I evolved my second Eevee it turned into Jolteon even though I named it Rainer.

  13. Flareon is trash
    So is jolteon

  14. First time I tried it 4 days ago, Rainer worked for vaporeon... Tried it twice two days ago and both times it failed, got a flareon and jolteon. Either it got disabled, I was lucky the first time, or having two named Rainer at the same time disabled it.

  15. did work for the first 3 i did but tried again and did not work

  16. It might have been "DISABLED". It always works for me before 8/8 but today I evolved 5 Eevees. Three of them FAILED 2/5. I was so sad my 800+CP Eevees turned to Jolteons..

  17. Agreed, it's either disabled or maybe there's another beta bug. Got my first Sparky/Jolteon. I changed its name back to Jolteon and named another Eevee Sparky... it evolved to Vaporeon. Tried again, Vaporeon again. I'm in Florida, I'm surrounded by water, and therefore water-type Pokemon. Another Jolteon would be great, please.

  18. It stopped working...

  19. Does not work. I have nicknamed Eevee "Rainer" six times and got four Jolteons and 2 Flareons.
    It is and always will be random.

  20. I used it like 10 times. was working fine for the first 7 times. seemed like they disabled it lately... didnt work twice but the last one was working again. dunno if they disabled and reenabled it ir if i was just lucky.

  21. Based on their attack
    Dig > flareon
    Swift > favoreon
    Body slam > jolteon

    Hasn't been proved

  22. Dose not work these days, I have named "Rainer" about 6-8 times and I got 4-5 flareon...

  23. Named my strongest Eevee Rainer and it worked. Did it to a second Eevee and it became a Jolteon!
    How do you guys explain that? its charge move is also very shitty, cp is good though. Id appreciate if you guys shared your on this incident.

  24. It worked for me both time. I got Pryo and Rainer because I already had Spark.
    I read up on it before doing it. It will only work one time and only for a Pokemon you do not have.

  25. They apparently made it so that it only works once for each type now. Named my first Sparky and it became a Jolteon just like expected. If I tried again it would be random. I can still force a vaporeon or flareon though, until I used the trick for them as well.

  26. The last 2 times I tried it, I tried getting a vaporeon and both times I got a jolteon. Idk if it's autocorrect or what but it's kind of annoying

  27. I evolved 5 eevees, it worked for none of them

  28. I have evolved Eeves into all three forms using these nicknames. It has worked for others I've talked to as well. The only 'thing' is it only works once for each form.

  29. It says in the game about eevee if You Read about her that she "can have Three possible evolutions depending on her enviorment". Just make sure that if You wnt a flareon that she is surrounded by firepokemon at the time of the evolvation. It has Always worked for me, thought three out of three might not be especially "Scientifically proven"

  30. It's still working. Evolved in the same time a Flareon and a Jolteon. Name trick is still working.

  31. The nickname worked for me the first time but since has not...I now have 3 Vaperieons nicknamed sparky as I've been trying to get a higher power jolteon.....Supermmann

  32. Hello everybody. It DOES work, but only once. After you get ONE Vaporeon, ONE Flareon and ONE Jolteon using the name trick, it won't work anymore. After you get one of each your forthcoming evolved Eevees will be random.

  33. I concur with the statement above. I got one of each and the trick work no more...

  34. My daughter tried entering Pyro to get the fire evolution. .... not only did she not get ANY evolution, but it wiped her evee candies to zero!
    Because of her experience, I am unwilling to even try!

  35. Just did it 2 seconds ago. Im pretty sure you actually have to copy it exact including capitalizing the first letter and spelling counts. Just got a Jolteon and Vaporeon with the two Eevees i evolved. 100% success rate.

  36. I tried using sparky for Jolteon but instead I got a ideal move set Flareon.

  37. This works most of the time, probably like 95%, but I have had a few Jolteons evolve from pyro.

  38. Ive tried it to times, doing vaporeon and flareon. It does work!!!




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