
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Egg Hatching Chart (2KM, 5KM & 10KM)

You may or may not have already seen this chart being shared over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.. If not, this chart gives a good indication as to which Pokémon you may get from each Egg (organized by Egg distance requirement).

The longer the distance an Egg requires, the rarer the Pokémon will be. Although it may not seem like it when you get a Paras from 5KM egg or an Eevee from a 10KM Egg... more often than not the longer the distance the Egg, the better the Pokémon!


  1. Do you have a smaller, blurrier version of this chart? :)

  2. farfetch'd is dead center in the chart @marcus

  3. you only get stage one pkmn from eggs...

  4. Starmie isn't on the chart but Staryu is in the 5k list, and Staryu can evolve into Starmie

  5. Got 1 eevee from my first 10k egg, then got another eevee from my second 10k egg.... But they each came with 25 candy, so that's nice.

  6. The chart is $#/&. My brother got a weedle with a 5k egg. I got a ponyta with a 10k. I have caught pokemons that were 10 times stronger than my hatch. That's if they even hatch. Last week I had a 2k and two 6k eggs freeze up. I let 2k and one 5k alone for 15 minutes. The never hatched and had to reopen app and the eggs were gone and a waist of blue incubators.I was connected to WiFi at the house when I finished them off, so it was not an Internet connection.

  7. If it freezes during a hatch, you just don't get the hatch video.. check your inventory, you'll have your new pokemon there (sort by time to see the last 1 you got). not a waste.

    as for strength (CP) of a pokemon hatched vs caught.. you should check the IV scores, as I am sure the hatched might have a higher percentage of perfection than those caught in the wild. CP isn't always the best indicator.

  8. So everyone is aware, you can receive any pokemon from a 10k egg, and you can receive 2k and 5k pokemon from 5k eggs.

  9. Why is eevee in the 10km eggs it should be in the 5km eggs eevee's aren't that rare to find compared to the other 10km Pokemon

  10. i got hitmonchan in my 10km egg :( only just under 200 cp aswell wtf!

  11. Yes Anonymous, you got hitchmonchan from a 10k egg -- which is what the chart indicates is one possibility. Do you have a question, or ???

  12. wait, I got a rhyhorn out of 10km egg but it isn't standing in the list. Was it glitched or something?

  13. I got an Eevee from a 10km egg and it was under 200 cp but i was able to evolve it to a 500 cp jolteon

  14. Lapras cp 1800 with 30 candy

  15. Magmar from 10k 900 cp 17 candys

  16. I got a hitmonchan in my 10km egg with 100 cup I powered him up to 327 cp tho
    Btw I got 20 candies from it

  17. Got an Ekans from a 2k, couple of discrepancies but otherwise pretty accurate. Chuck on a lucky egg before your hatch and you're more likely to hatch a Pokemon with higher rarity.

  18. where is Gyrados?!?!?!?!?!?!

  19. Gyrados evolves from magikarp you get magikarps from 2K eggs it takes 400 candies to evolve him

  20. I got a Mr.Mime from a 10km egg, so disappointing.

  21. FML. I'm level 24, been playing since July 7 or so, and have hatched 53 eggs. However, I've only ever RECEIVED one 10K egg, and it was a damn Pinsir. Why???

  22. Lvl 23 and have hatched 149 eggs and I still can't get a dang charmander or bulbasaur to hatch. And for the chart might work better just putting all in different format.

  23. Ive gotten 2 Lapras, 2 Snorlax, Eevee, 3 Electabuzz, and 2 Jinx from 10km eggs

  24. Reading through the comments thinking half these people are 12 year old kids who can't speak English and are crying over a game. Lul

  25. It has been 100% accurate for me so fair hatched 60 eggs.. got a 1200 scyther, 1300 snorlax, 554 eve, and a 1000 Magmar out of ten k eggs

  26. I have a pinsir and omanyte

  27. Is there a percentage chance for each Pokemon within its egg tier? Because I've hatched over 70 5k eggs and have yet to receive about 1/3 of of the list...

    Constantly getting garbage like Goldeens and Ekans, it's so frustrating.

  28. Cp 714 Jynx with 10k egg so that's decent I guess

  29. Why do I keep getting the same ole crap from the 2K eggs? My first two were Charmanders, and now I can't seem to get anything but Ratatas, Pidgey, and Weedle.

  30. Someone might have already responded to the "you can only hatch stage one pokemon" comment, but that's not accurate. I definitely hatched a Nidorino from a 5k egg. I'm now curious how far that goes and with what % likelihood.

  31. This chart is 100% accurate. Any deviations noted in the comments here is due to user incompetence.

  32. I've hatched 200+ eggs, I am level 25. I have gotten a 2 cp 1900 Snorelax, cp 1400 magma, 2 co 1100 kind, 2 co 1300 electabuzz amongst others. You can receive any pokemon on the list from 10k eggs, you can receive any pokemon from 2k and 5k eggs from 5k eggs, and you can only receive 2k pokemon from 2k eggs. The pokemon you receive from your eggs is completely random, nothing can cause you to have better chance of hatching a rarer pokemon it's complete chance. Trust me I have tried everything I can think of and everything anyone else has thought of several times. I have hatched 60+ 10k eggs.

  33. I got a spearow from 10k egg so the chart is wrong.

  34. Got 30+1 dratini from 10km egg

  35. I got a snorlax 1521 cp and 20 candy :)

  36. I got a 3cp weedle. I hate me.

  37. There's a running theory that certain poke stops give specific eggs which hatch certain Pokemon. Test and respond!

  38. I got a 1200 cp aradacyle with 30 candies from a 10 egg it was sweet!!

  39. Yes you can, i had 0 10km egg since ever but now found 2 in a row

  40. If the chart is true then why did i hatch a 2k egg today and got an oddish, it was a high oddish and ik for a fact it was a 2k egg because i had only 2 2k eggs hatching at that time.

  41. I've been quite lucky with my eggs. Had quite a few 10km eggs - Lapras, Electrabuzz, 4 X Eevee (giving me enough candy to get all 3 evolutions) 2 X Mr Mime, 2 X Pinsir, Magmar and Onix. The best has been getting 2 X Pikachu from 2km eggs. But I have gone through nearly 100 eggs. In Birmingham, England these Pokemon are rare. I've had 4 X Ponyta from 5km eggs so was able to evolve to a Rapidash. The same with Growlithe and Vulpix giving me enough to get Arcanine and Ninetails.

  42. Ive got a 5km and 10km egg and theyre both stuck in 4km is this a glitch cuz i got 3g and gps signal and im walking too

  43. The chart is correct what's with people saying it isn't?!?! The only mistake is mr mime who is in 10km egg

  44. Is oddish 2k or 5k?

  45. I am a mid level 22, have hatched over 60 eggs and not 1 10k egg. Wth. How is this possible. Everyone else around me is getting them constantly. So irritating

  46. Getting a Pinsir after hatch a 10km is very nasty. you can catch them all the time!!

  47. All the people complaining about getting 'trash'...and heres me still hyped when i catch a weedle :) it's a good life.

  48. Got a snorlax 600cp 16 candys from a 10k egg

  49. Wtf got 2 Onyx from my 10km egg, the feels bru..

  50. I find it amusing and ironic when I see someone using improper English when they criticize the English of others.

  51. No, Oddish hatches from a 5k egg, not a 2k egg. I just hatched one a few hours ago.

  52. They forgot Omanyte in the lower chart.

  53. Got a poached egg from a 10k, fried from a 5k and scrambled from a 2k all 5million + CP

  54. i'm curious if mr mime is 10k or 5k, and also i didn't know oddish's came from 2ks, never got that in the 200 eggs ive hatched(majority beings 2k's)

  55. i got picachu in a 2km egg with cp498 and also i got much luck in a 5k egg with new pokemon i already hatched 4 10km egg and all contains a magmar with almost same cp1200+ nothingleas it must be a glitch.

  56. Mike, I had two eggs hatching at the same time; the game glitched, I lost both. No, they were not in my inventory. No, there was nothing in my journal to indicate that I'd even hatched an egg. I'm a pretty smart person, so I'd say it wasn't operator error.

    Pokemon is supposed to be fun. Perhaps people on this thread can stop acting like others are idiots, especially when the game has been glitchy from the start.




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