
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Experience Points (XP)

An Experience Point (often abbreviated as EXP or XP) is a unit which measures a Trainer's progression in Pokémon Go. Experience Points are gained by completing actions and achieving certain goals. When enough XP is gained by a player, he or she will Level Up, advancing to the next level of progression.

Why Should you gain XP?
Gaining XP is necessary for increasing your Trainer Level. Players with a higher Trainer Level will be able to capture more powerful Pokémon. Most players seek to gain XP as quickly as possible, with the main goal of Leveling Up Fast.

Where Can you Gain XP?
There are a variety of ways to earn Experience Points in Pokémon Go. Some of the best ways to earn XP include Capturing Pokémon, Winning Battles at Gyms, Visiting Pokéstops, Hatching Eggs and Evolving Pokémon.

Note: You will also gain bonus XP for certain achievements such as Capturing a New Pokémon.

The following chart lists the amount of XP awarded for each action/accomplishment:

Action RequiredXP GainedDescription
Curveball Bonus10Awarded for Spinning the Pokéball before Capturing it.
Nice Throw! Bonus10Awarded for Capturing a Pokémon.
Great Throw! Bonus50Awarded for Capturing a Pokémon when Capture circle is small.
Pokéstop Interaction50Awarded for Interacting with a Pokéstop (Not on Cooldown).
Defeat Pokémon Training50XP is gained for each Pokémon defeated at friendly Gym. Less awarded for attack with a high CP Pokémon .
Defeat Every Pokémon at a Gym50Awarded for defeating every defending Pokémon at a Gym.
Excellent Throw! Bonus100Awarded for Capturing a Pokémon when Capture circle is smallest.
Capture Pokémon100Capture any Pokémon.
Catch 100th Pokémon of a Species100Awarded for capturing 100 of a single species of Pokémon
Defeat Pokémon at Gym100XP is gained for each Pokémon defeated at enemy Gym.
Hatch a 2 km Egg200Hatch an Egg (2 km)
Hatch Pokémon200Hatch an Egg by traveling the required distance.
Hatch a 5 km Egg500Hatch an Egg (5 km)
Capture a New Pokémon500Capture any Pokémon,
Evolve a Pokémon500Evolve any Pokémon.
Hatch a 10 km Egg1000Hatch an Egg (10 km)


  1. 2 quick comments:
    -Nice Throw isn't awarded for every capture. I believe you get it if you put the Pokeball inside the grey circle.

    -Curveball was left off the list. If you give a Pokeball enough spin, it'll curve, netting you a Pokemon and an additional 100 xp.

  2. Yesterday while catching pokemon that I already have, at 2 random time I got a bonus 100 xp after catching pokemon. On the xp list it was titled bonus. Never seen that before and did not do it for only the two times. Im lvl 19 and this is the first I've seen it. Anyone else get this?

  3. I've heard that if you catch 100 of a certain Pokemon that you get bonus XP per additional one of the same Pokemon that you catch

  4. I've gotten this unidentified "Bonus" (100xp) also when capturing a pokemon. It was a rattata, so it wasn't new. I'm really curious to find out why i got it.

  5. You get extra XP when you hit the green/orange/red shrinking circle. 10XP when it's very big, 50XP when it's medium and 100XP when it's very small. But of course, it's harder to hit when it's smaller.

  6. You forgot to mention arguably the most important reason to be higher level: your Pokemon have higher level caps based on your level. A Pokemon that caps at 590 at lvl 9 might go to 1300 at lvl 17 etc. Max CP for a species is based on its cap when the player is level 40 (the current max)

  7. XP for eggs is 100 per km, so 5km eggs give 500 and 10km eggs give 1000

  8. Ash Ketchum distant cousinJuly 28, 2016 at 4:36 AM

    While capturing a pokemon, landing a hit in the pokemon's eye will give you a 'blinded bonus'. This makes it easier to catch, by reducing it ability to dodge, and will award the trainer a 100 XP bonus for crippling the pocket monster. It's tough to pull off but is possible with practice. I find it easier if you use the curve ball method mentioned above, but still it can be quite difficult. I personally have only managed to do it once.

  9. If every form of XP you earn ends with '0' then it'd be impossible odd XP. For example, I'm currently 30,623/75,000. I've been told that walking earns you a small amount of XP.
    Also, there's the small amount of XP given by completing a medal. c:

  10. I just got the 100xp bonus for catching a Pidgey. Here's the thing: I've caught 100's (perhaps 1000's) of Pidgeys. Which means it's only only the first 100 (which seems to be implied) but EVERY 100th catch of the same kind. That's good to know! Nothing game-breaking, but it does equate to several thousand extra xp in the long run.

  11. I dont know how but I have an odd amount of experience points I have 89505 exp but all things give even exp. How is it possible?

  12. It is accurate again. The latest update fixed the bug that prevented getting those points.

  13. I received the 100xp excellent throw bonus earlier today +Theresa Gerritsen

  14. Odd xp from gym training.

  15. You get +100 XP instead of +50 on pokestop interaction if it gives you 6 or more items




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